Tops 5 ways bloggers make a heavy amount of Money 2021

 Tops 5 ways bloggers make a heavy amount of Money. 

Well  Once you become a famous blogger you don’t have to depend only upon Google AdSense, a lot of ways will open for you. Before you start daydreaming let me tell you, at first you have had to work hard on your blog to make it accepted by others. If somehow you make your blog accepted by others or make it popular then frankly; you will gonna start printing money. Below I have discusses the top 5 ways bloggers make plenty of money. Before we begin there is a question in our head how much they actually make?  So, their money depends upon two factors, number one - there criteria of blogging,  number two- they get paid off much more then you think.

Coming Back to point; top 5 ways blogger make enough Money.

Number 1 - Affilate Marketting 

Well, it is a well-known thing majority of people simply ignore this because it is complex to understand. At first, it is but once you got it, it will be like copying and pasting the link which is paying you, in a heavy amount. Currently, Amazon affiliate program is at the peak. You can make up to $100 to 25000 Dollars from an Amazon affiliate website but if you have poor traffic you will not going to make a single penny also you can on father more if you have a high amount of visitors.

Number 2 -  Brand Sponsorship 

In simple words, if you have a website or a blog whose daily visitor is around 10k then there is a big chance that you may approach by the brand to show their advertisement and they will gonna pay you off. if you are lucky enough then you might get to work with big brands.  After all, they will Kone pay you a lot of money.

10000 daily visitors are not compulsory but if you have a higher number of visits you will get a higher payment. More overly brands will start reaching to you from around 1K visitors daily. It is like icing on the cake, an  attractive but inessential addition or enhancement

Number 3 - Selling products 

Products like e-books, online courses, workshops, images, videos, music people can use in their own content, apps, plugins, themes. Well if you see any person recommending something there is the high possibility that they are selling that product to you,  people make money which such activities a lot for their own social business building.  sometimes create their own products and sell them through to their social media or websites. 

Number 4 - Private ads

A lot of people are unaware of this but let me aware of this.  if you will open your Instagram and DM  any insta page that how much you cost to put my post (private ad) on your page, they will give their price to you.  you can compare yourself how their price differs, their price depends upon there followers; higher the followers higher the price. Similarly, people will ask you for private ads for and paid you depends upon your daily visitors.

Number 5 - Brand Building

Start gathering audience start making brand.  once you become popular enough to advise others through any kind- like advertisement on your blog, reviewing on your website, People will start calling you brand, With the same popularity many people create their own merchandise, their online store.  on the other hand,  they simply start their own business of selling products selling advertisements and many more ways. 


Bonus for general people- Within the first three months you can make $10  to $100 easily.

Within a year you can make up to $1000 just from Adsense. (If you work continuously) 

 within 2 to 3 years you can make up to $5000 using your skill and experience.

 It all up to you if you want to work part-time or full time. if you are a student or a worker then part-time is sufficient,  but if you love writing sharing your thoughts, sharing your experience, sharing your reviews, then you must go for full time. it will gonna pay you off a lot more than a corporate job. 

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